The Farmersville Blvd roundabouts provided a cost-effective and sustainable solution to the City of Farmersville's circulation challenges leading into the City from State Route 198. To accommodate one of the roundabouts, the profile grade along Farmersville Blvd. needed to be raised over five feet, which impacted the existing Farmerville Blvd. culvert at the Tulare Irrigations Districts canal. As part of the project, Cornerstone completed an assessment of the existing culvert and determined that the existing culvert would have required significant strengthening to accommodate the additional fill. Because of staging and environmental constraints, the exisitng culvert could not be replaced in-kind so Cornerstone developed an innovative solution to construct a new slab bridge over the existing culvert. The new slab was supported on cast-in-drilled-hole piles drilled adjacent to the existing culvert. To isolate the two structures, Cornerstone specified a void-form system which provided an air gap between the roof of the existing culvert and the bottom of the new concrete slab. The project also required phasing of the construction to maintain traffic along the busy Farmersville Blvd.